The triumphant return to the show for Dr. Gary Popoli brings him on the air Thursday, Feb. 5, live at 9 p.m. The topic is Depression with a capital “D.” We all suffer bouts of Depression in our lives but millions of people around the world fall victim to its heavy grip. What is that grip that has been given such a high profile due to the suicides of celebrities, including Robin Williams, Ernest Hemingway, Mindy McCready, Kurt Cobain, Tony Scott and too many others? Millions live with the condition, never realizing or admitting they have it. Join the doctor and our host for a thorough discussion on Depression.

Brought to you by ‘Molotov Memoirs,’ the digital version, now at Blurb, only $3.99 and ‘License To Skill,’ first release in digital format at Amazon, only $2.99.
