Lorna Adams

Lorna Adams

The Medium is the Message in this episode as psychic and spirit communicator Lorna Adams discusses her life as the “medium” through which many deceased souls have channeled their messages to surviving loved ones. Additionally, Lorna talks about the book “They Are With Us: Advice from Spirit on Changing Your Life” which Spirit Guides collectively dictated to her. (Lorna offers the book of advice from Spirit FREE of charge on her website — see link below). Host TJ Savino starts off the discussion by disclosing his experiences communicating messages from deceased family members of his high school students, and his fear of the then new-found ability which caused him to ask Spirit to “hold the presses,” but not before anchor Sal Monella reports on Hollywood’s Traffic Safety staffers who, in and effort to get male drivers from using concrete speed bumps as launch pads, designed and installed eye-catching, silicone “Speed Rumps” molded and modeled after the derrières of Kim Kardashian and Niki Minaj.

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