Host Thomas Savino gather’s loose ends, wrangles bits and pieces, and collects the various recent spills of the “Fine ‘Whine’ of Select Gripes” to put together this conglomeration of concerns and commentary. Starting with Veritas News anchor Sal Monella reporting on China’s recent cyber theft of 21.5 million U.S. Social Security numbers. Monella then reports on Donald Trump’s new cyber security system based on each citizen’s unique nipple print called Ident-TITY along with his claims that Ident-TITY would eliminate Ident-TITIES theft. Hear Russell Brand, the baseball song parody “It’s Not Stan Musial,” the satirical essay “What the ‘H’ell.” Then Savino turns some of the many presidential candidates into products like “Rice Christies” cereal (puffed rice), and “Rick’s Sanitoria” (corporate chain insane asylums).

This is Savino Veritas! Follow T.J on Twitter @tjsavino.

Read more at Topical Tweets and Titilations.
