
Erin J Mogart

The remarkably versatile Erin J. Mogart graces this Savino Veritas broadcast. Social Media Maven, Fitness Supermodel, Actress, CEO, Member of MENSA, Ms. Uniter Nations of 2013, Certified Person Trainer, Mrs. Galaxy Virginia 2012, Fortune 500 Adviser, and Executive Producer for TV/Movie projects including a new Reality Show starts her commentary on social media fueled by the on-location interviews with a Los Angeles high school’s students on the subject. The show starts with the ever infectious and contagious reportage of Veritas News’ anchorman Sal Monella who lampoons Republican hypocrite Dennis Hastert for having bribed his gay lover into silence about their relationship exactly during the time the former House Speaker was impeaching President Bill Clinton. Song parody “Selfie” is sung by host Savino and the commercial for “Ebola Spaghetti” offers a welcomed solution to the public blood baths of gun-inflicted Mafia assassinations.

This is Savino Veritas! Follow T.J on Twitter @tjsavino.

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