Environmentalist Steve Spacek from Washington D.C. joins host T.J. Savino digging down and dirty into Spacek’s “American States Litter Scorecard.” In an eclectic melange of data and jest the voices of celluloid celebrities some of whom are dearly departed join in to comment. Hear Bogart, Bette Davis, James Coburn, James Gandolfini, Tom Cruise, Gregory Peck and more give instant critiques of the count down from the cleanest to the dirtiest states. Veritas news anchor Sal Monella starts the proceedings with his usual satiric newscast this time lampooning the baboonery and buffoonery of tonight’s GOP presidential primary campaign debates.

This is Savino Veritas! Follow T.J on Twitter @tjsavino.

Read more at Topical Tweets and Titilations.
