Tag Archives: best of

On the Sept. 15 show (LIVE at 9 p.m. Eastern; Fridays: 2-4 a.m. UK). Our host takes on popular opinion a few more times, challenging :best of” lists covering various areas of pop culture. Listen and shout your own opinions … Continue reading

LIVE, Thursday, Dec. 5, LIVE at 9 p.m. — The best books of 2019, according to major reviewer sources, launches a solo show that is bound (no pun intended but all right if you want it to be a pun) … Continue reading

Despite Veritas’ news anchor Sal Monella going AWOL with Ana Phylaxis in Time’s Square, host Savino keeps it all together LIVE from Burbank’s Fuhgeddaboudit West restaurant with Veritas regulars comedian Bill “The Bull” Testosteroni and resident guru Swami Salami. Hear … Continue reading