Tag Archives: government

Ann Marie has hit the wall and demands to get her spark back. She details her realization which may be the biggest midlife crisis she has had to date. Meanwhile D tells stories of being forever in crisis, because that … Continue reading

The Artist D and Ann Marie round out 2020 with more questions, this time for boys (but not really). Artist D is puzzled by human behavior when reacting to news in the recent week. Other topics include preserving mom’s tattoos … Continue reading

Sal Monella reports on Pew Researches poll that shows Americans don’t care if President Derelict Trump is framed, as long as his head is stuffed and mounted. Host Savino talks about his love for Henry David Thoreau, “On Walden Pond,” … Continue reading

“The Fine ‘Whine’ of Select Gripes” picks from the gripe-vine this week banks too big to fail and income inequality. Savino looks at the effects of the Koch brother’s insurmountable influence over each of our lives since the Supreme Court’s … Continue reading

Those of us attempting to live the semblance of a legitimate life must handle the necessary evils related to business and government. The interaction is, however, comical, and the communication is, at best, good enough to be a Vaudeville routine. … Continue reading