Tag Archives: remastered

Thom wins the Nifty Shoe contest and the Friendly Mailman delivers a “parcel” of six-hundred pairs of size 6 shoes. On this week’s Wasteland Playhouse Lieutenant Rodumbo solves “The Rock Star Murders,” followed by Mel & Collie Babie’s Collie Baby … Continue reading

Rodumbo, “the everyday, ordinary police lieutenant with a special sense for solving crimes” here in serial form featuring nine short episodes. Rodumbo “Wealthy Oil Man’s Assistant” (serial) This episode of Dead Air is a compilation of nine (9) quick Rodumbo … Continue reading

On the drive enroute to the Casino Loot Studios, Thom & Frank realize they’ll never make the start of tonight’s show. Accepting their inevitable tardiness, they turn on the car radio only to discover that they are two clowns replaced … Continue reading

After a hard day recording radio comedy, Thom and Frank stop into their favorite watering hole, Joe’s Bar, to unwind, where Frank takes the heat of ridicule when ordering a Sloe Gin Fizz. Joe, aware it’s Dead Air’s broadcast time, … Continue reading

Dusty the Cameraman’s 400 watt bulbs cause Frank’s make up to melt, as Thom cues in Short Don Rebel who interviews Fredrick Carltons author of Vitamins from A to Z, and then projects his own hypochondria onto Frank when Cotolo … Continue reading

As Dusty the Cameraman applies pancake makeup to Frank & Thom, a man and his horse enters the studio answering a classified ad Thom published for a blacksmith sketch which turns out to be this week’s episode of Wasteland Playhouse: … Continue reading

Future During an archeological dig together, Professor Goldwhipple and fellow colleague Dr. Josephson discover a “wheel-to-wheel” magnetic tape, which, as their luck would have it, contains one complete episode of the zany 1970’s radio show Dead Air which, as our … Continue reading

In this episode Frank reveals to Thom and Dead Air listeners his, (you guessed it), fear of flying. Johnny Cash sings the theme to a regular segment called “The Liberty Train” and this episode’s segment features an interview with Kelly … Continue reading

The episode that some radio stations had to take a pass on because it was released during the week of real flooding in the Midwest, features Frank & Thom dealing with rising waters right in the studio as Dead Air’s … Continue reading