Tag Archives: transexual
Counselling, crying in the bathroom, psychiatrists, hiding the penis, electrolysis, eunuchs, orchidectomy, bull balls, trans news and a question from Jennifer of Texas about the cost of SRS. Originally Aired September 01, 2012
Puberty, growing boobs in grade 7, gym class and showering with the boys, hormone growth, breast augmentation, nipple play, nipple clamps, trans news, an interview with David DJ Roy and Velvet answers a question from Rose about hormones. Originally Aired … Continue reading
Being shy, corsetry, girdles and spanx, the Vancouver Pride parade, Velvet’s world of Domination and Fetish and a listener asks if it was easy coming out to family and friends. Originally Aired August 4, 2012
More toys, roller skates and tobogganing, the adams apple, the scar, the pain, the satisfying Tantus Little Secret, never too late to come out, and Velvet answers a teenager’s question about breast augmentation. Originally Aired July 28, 2012
Bondage at an early age, life under the stairs, the hunky neighbour, waterhose and cars, high heels, pedicures, related news items, a letter from Manitoba and an excerpt from Velvet’s appearance with Maureen McGrath on CKNW radio’s The Sunday Night … Continue reading
Big Jim does Barbie, the importance of hands, blepharoplasty, more about the We Vibe, TNT awards update, news about transgenders in Indonesia and Velvet answers a listener who asks if transsexuals have orgasms. Originally Aired July 14, 2012
Transister with Velvet Steele returns to the airwaves in 2013! Advocate, advice giver and expert she translates the world of sex, transgender and lifestyle on a weekly basis.